Five Steps For Glowing Skin (From The Inside - Out)

Five Steps For Glowing Skin (From The Inside - Out)

Hands up if your skin is looking a little dull post winter? The harsh weather combined with spending more time indoors in artificial light and heat and the tendency we all have to reach for more sugary, starchy foods in Winter means our skin can end up looking dull

Try these steps to help give you a glowing complexion this Spring.


1. Introduce your skin to mushroom enzymes

Our Time Warp anti-ageing toner uses enzymes to accelerate skin renewal, working to gently peel away old skin cells without the irritation caused by harsher exfoliation agents. Leaving the skin noticeably smoother, more hydrated and brighter.


2. Increase your water intake to at least 1.5L a day (and no caffeine and alcohol do not count towards your water intake!)

In Winter we often feel less thirsty so don’t consume as much water. And while it might be true that we crave less water it doesn’t change the fact that our body is made up of around 60% water.

Our skin cells need a good level of hydration to look and feel their best. Our liver and kidneys need water to flush toxins out of the body and away from the skin. It’s also true that even though it’s one of the biggest organs in the body, our skin is actually quite low down on our body’s priority list. This means if there is a limited supply of water and nutrients it will use what it does have for our more vital organs like our hearts to keep us alive (which is obviously what we want!) So even if you’re not thirsty it’s important to try and consume water throughout the day so there are sufficient levels to keep your skin hydrated as well. But hydration doesn’t have to come from water alone. Check out these hydrating foods!


3. Increase intake of antioxidants from colourful fruits and vegetables (and a little dark chocolate)

Antioxidants are valuable little nutrients which work to protect our skin calls from damaging free radicals. High levels of free radicals can contribute to faster ageing of cells and tissues as well as damage. These effects are most visible to us on our skin which clearly shows free radical damage with fine lines, wrinkles, redness, sun damage etc.   Antioxidants from our diet help to protect our skin but prevent cell damage which can cause dry skin, wrinkles skin and premature cell death.

Antioxidants are found in any fruits and vegetables and the different colours bring with them different antioxidants which is why variety and eating a rainbow is key to deliver the antioxidant nutrients your body needs. 

From orange sweet potato to red tomatoes, green broccoli to purple cabbage vegetables and fruits provide the best sources of antioxidants. But dark chocolate does contain some antioxidants which will have a protective effect. Just be sure to pick something which is 70%+ cocoa to ensure the benefits of the antioxidants are not outweighed by added sugar and milk. Stick to small squares a day (max) and make sure you’re also consuming those fruits and veg - chocolate alone is not enough to make your skin glow!


4. Prioritise protein to aid skin repair and regeneration of skin cells

Protein is essential for so many functions within the body - particularly the repair and regeneration of cells and tissues like those found in the skin. I always tell clients to ensure there is a source of protein at every meal and if possible most snacks. 

Most commonly people think of meat, fish and maybe eggs as key sources of protein. And while they are a great source of the nine essential amino acids (protein molecules) we need for our body to function, plant sources are just as valuable and sometimes more so because they are usually high in fibre to support gut health and lower in saturated fat which can cause inflammation in the skin.

Here are some of our top plant protein sources: beans, lentils, tofu, tempeh, nuts. seeds, peas, quinoa, chickpeas etc.


5. DON’T forego fats

For years we’ve been told to avoid fats, but this generalisation means many people are reluctant to consume healthy fats which are actually extremely valuable for overall well being and skin health. Healthy fats are unsaturated fats which provide the good fats our body needs to thrive. These fats can be found in avocados, nuts and seeds, oily fish like salmon and mackerel, olive oil and even butter. 

Not eating fat can cause immeasurable problems within the body including poor memory and concentration, low energy, and dull, lifeless skin. Try adding 1-2 portions (about 1 tbsp) a day to your daily diet to support your body.